Our school has the eminent teaching panel of its own selection by an interview team headed by a Retired CEO. The teachers are well equipped to the latest trend of CCE and NCERT module, having the upgraded knowledge in the same.  The teaching panel is co-ordinated by our Correspondent in administering selection of teaching experts to the school.  We do have teaching administrators to supervise the teaching panel with the ultimate enthusiasm to develop the school to newer heights. 

Our school has the eminent teaching panel of its own selection by an interview team headed by a Retired CEO. The teachers are well equipped to the latest trend of CCE and NCERT module, having the upgraded knowledge in the same.  The teaching panel is co-ordinated by our Correspondent in administering selection of teaching experts to the school.  We do have teaching administrators to supervise the teaching panel with the ultimate enthusiasm to develop the school to newer heights. 

Our school has the eminent teaching panel of its own selection by an interview team headed by a Retired CEO. The teachers are well equipped to the latest trend of CCE and NCERT module, having the upgraded knowledge in the same.  The teaching panel is co-ordinated by our Correspondent in administering selection of teaching experts to the school.  We do have teaching administrators to supervise the teaching panel with the ultimate enthusiasm to develop the school to newer heights. 

Name: C.Anusha

Designation: TGT


Major Subject: Math

Class Incharge: III & VIII

Name: S.Shiny Pushpa

Designation: Principal


Major Subject: Physics

Class Incharge: Principal

Name: T.Thanga charlet

Designation: TGT


Major Subject: Zoology

Class Incharge: V – VII 

Name: Subha Rengasamy

Designation: TGT

Qualification: B.Com., M.A., B.Ed

Major Subject: English

Class Incharge: VII & VIII 

Name: Shiny S

Designation: PRT

Qualification: M.A., B.Ed.,

Major Subject: English

Class Incharge: V

Name: Shiny S

Designation: PRT

Qualification: M.A., B.Ed.,

Major Subject: English

Class Incharge: V

Name: M.Berlin Jeevitha 

Designation: PRT

Qualification: B.A., DTEd., B.Ed., 

Major Subject: English

Class Incharge: IV

Name: A. Juliyana Mercy

Designation: PRT

Qualification: M.Sc., B.Ed,

Major Subject: Microbiology

Class Incharge: II

Name: S. Kavitha

Designation: PRT


Major Subject: Tamil

Class Incharge: I

Name: S.Amala

Designation: PRT

Qualification: B.Sc., B.Ed.,

Major Subject: Physics

Class Incharge: II & III

Name: Sheeba Y Vaslin

Designation: PRT

Qualification: B.Sc., B.Ed.,

Major Subject: Zoology

Class Incharge: I – V

Name: C.Merina

Designation: PRT

Qualification: M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil

Major Subject: Tamil

Class Incharge: I – V

Name: Merlin Ebenezar Subha

Designation: PRT


Major Subject: Tamil

Class Incharge: I – V

Name: P. Kohila

Designation: PRT

Qualification: M.Sc., B.Ed.,

Major Subject: Math

Class Incharge: VI

Name: P. Hema latha

Designation: NTT

Qualification: M.A., B.Ed., DPTEd.

Major Subject: History

Class Incharge: UKG

Name: D.Shirley

Designation: NTT

Qualification:DipinMontessori D.O.A.,

Major Subject: KG

Class Incharge: LKG

Name: B.Latha

Designation: NTT

Qualification: B.Com., Dip Montessori

Major Subject: Hindi

Class Incharge: KG

Name: P.Ramya

Designation: Others

Qualification: M.C.A

Major Subject: Computer

Class Incharge: I-VIII

Name: G. Azhagammal

Designation: Librarian

Qualification: B.Com., BLISc

Major Subject: Hindi

Class Incharge: I-VIII

Name: D. Selva vijila

Designation: PET

Qualification: B.Sc., B.P.Ed.,

Major Subject: PET

Class Incharge: KG-VIII

Name: P. Sarasvathi

Designation: Others

Qualification: TTC/ Art and craft

Major Subject: Art and craft

Class Incharge: KG-VIII

Name: P.Lingapushpa

Designation: Nurse

Qualification: D.N.A.

Major Subject: Nurse

Class Incharge: KG-VIII

Name: R. Pushpa

Designation: Wellness Teacher 

Qualification: M.A.,M.Sc., B.Ed.,

Major Subject: Psychology

Class Incharge: I-VIII

Name: D.Ebenezer Prabha

Designation: Special Educator

Qualification: M.A. PGDSE (MD) 

Major subject: Special Education

Class In charge: KG – VIII